One of the aspects of guitar playing that you should always strive for is playing with emotion. Whether it’s your own music or someone else’s.

To illustrate this idea and give you some great tips on how to get started, I made a lesson where I play some really intense guitar for you….With My Eyes Closed!

Check out the following video where I play the intro to “Asturias” by Isaac Albeniz

Now please understand this is not to show off or wax my ego…I find that when you are able to play guitar without looking at it, you can reach a new level of playing because you can shut off the sense of sight and focus on sound and how you want your playing to be heard.

It’s a cool concept and a really awesome some to apply to your playing!

Be sure to leave your comments, questions and other rants below

Practice, Practice, Practice!

If you want to see the first video I made for this song where I talk about using a metronome and writing strong melodies: Click Here

Also, Go here to see a video of John William’s perform this piece:

This performance is what inspired me to learn this piece. In my opinion he plays this flawlessly with so much emotion it’s amazing. Yet he doesn’t do so much as flinch while playing the whole thing!

P.S. I’m always looking for new topics to cover and help the RGP community out on so if you have something your struggling with in your playing, please let me know and I’ll create a lesson to help you out!